Program interventions – Year ended March 31, 2023 (in U.S. dollars)

Vitamin A $ 25,007,044
Women and Adolescents’ Nutrition 4,715,172
Universal Salt Iodization 2,331,327
Zinc and ORS 2,687,917
Infant and Young Child Nutrition 767,595
Research and Quality Assurance 3,999,751
Maternal and Newborn Health and Nutrition 6,410,393
Global Advocacy 1,288,195
Food Fortification 5,990,133
Integrated Nutrition Programs 2,126,650
Technical Assistance Mechanism 1,392,926
Total $ 56,717,103


Consolidated statement of financial position – March 31, 2023, with comparative information for 2022 (in U.S. dollars)

Item 2023 2022


Current Assets:
Cash $ 9,943,344 $ 28,556,608
Short-term Investments  22,907,143 20,874,485
Accounts Receivable 3,267,721 4,175,841
Prepaid Expenses 1,110,953 1,259,181
Investments 4,132,340 4,614,045
Tangible capital and intangible assets 1,421,150 698,254
$ 42,782,651 $ 60,178,414

Liabilities & Net Assets

Current Liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities  $ 5,256,061 $ 4,557,786
Deferred contributions  24,270,241 42,418,452
29,526,302 46,976,238
Net Assets:
Unrestricted 13,960,321 12,870,179
Cumulative translation adjustment (703,972) 331,997
13,256,349 13,202,176
$ 42,782,651 $ 60,178,414