The challenge

Governments build upon our collective strengths.

Nutrition, a traditionally neglected development sector, has been attracting increased attention and resources over the past decade. However, the resources, evidence, policies and programs needed for nutrition scale-up remain insufficient.

Bridging the gap

Global financing for nutrition is insufficient to meet globally agreed targets.

At present, donors and governments in low- and middle-income countries spend $3.9 billion per year on nutrition-specific interventions. The World Bank estimates that reaching the targets to reduce stunting among children and anaemia in women, increase exclusive breastfeeding rates, and mitigate the impact of wasting will require an average annual investment of $7 billion over the next 10 years.

Nutrition policies and programs are often less than optimal due to gaps in the evidence base, including around nutrition information systems, programs, understanding what works best and where, and knowledge dissemination.

Although many developing countries are committed to scaling up nutrition, a lack of technical capacity to design, deliver and track the progress of gender-sensitive multisectoral nutrition plans and programs can often make it very challenging to turn this vision into reality.

Working together

We identify gaps and provide timely, coordinated, and expert support to build the capacity of countries to scale up nutrition interventions.

At Nutrition International, we use a country-driven, coordinated approach to ensure that all partners committed to improving nutrition outcomes – whether they are donors, national or local governments, civil society, or community groups – are connected and consulted, and that all systems for nutrition delivery are harmonized to achieve maximum impact.

How we help

To accelerate global and regional nutrition policies, we undertake significant action on the international stage.

We provide technical support to governments to influence the development of:

  • National nutrition plans
  • Guidelines that meet global best practices in nutrition
  • Analytic tools to support sound decision-making for nutrition

We work with governments at all levels to:

  • Advocate for increased financing for nutrition programming
  • Develop tools for use by governments and global partners to better:
    • Monitor nutrition interventions
    • Determine the cost-effectiveness of interventions
    • Model the health and human capital impacts of nutrition interventions
  • Form partnerships and build on existing relationships with ministries of health and other government departments