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The IGNIT3 project will focus on helping to improve the nutrition of children, adolescent girls and women, who are disproportionally affected by malnutrition.
Incentive Mechanism for Enhancing Nutrition Results in the World Bank
July 2015 - July 2016
Reviewing and sharing the World Bank experience using innovative programming approaches, such as incentive mechanisms, to achieve nutrition results.
Increasing the World Bank's portfolio on nutrition
The overall goal of this investment was to increase the proportion of the World Bank portfolio that focuses on nutrition, with attention on improved results through innovative programming approaches, such as the use of financial mechanisms.
Leveraging financial mechanisms
The specific objective was to review the experience to date within the World Bank around delivering nutrition interventions by using financial incentive mechanisms. This evidence will be used to guide country clients and internal Bank project teams on the design and delivery of future nutrition-focused World Bank financed operations.
A final report “Incentivizing Nutrition: Incentive Mechanisms to Accelerate Improved Nutrition Outcomes,” was produced through the NLIFT investment along with a “Practitioner’s Compendium,” a detailed guidance document for program designers and implementers on performance-based finance (PBF) for nutrition results.
Copies of the reports were sent to the senior management of relevant Global Practices, to all practice managers in the Health, Nutrition and Populations Global Practice, to all bank staff who were interviewed during the research phase of report preparation, and/or are members of the bank’s community of practice on nutrition, and to all program leaders (in country offices) who cover human development.
The Impact
Achieving nutrition results and disseminating incentive mechanisms
This investment identified opportunities to use incentive mechanisms, both financial and non-financial, to achieve nutrition results, and disseminated the report and a guidance document on the use of innovative incentive mechanisms, including to World Bank staff and Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Networks.