Field Stories October 5, 2023 In her words: Voices from girls around the world We asked adolescent girls what good nutrition means to them. This is what they had to say.
Brief September 7, 2023 Diversification of food basket under social safety net programs This study provides actionable ways that social safety net programs can utilize to diversify diets and reduce the nutrition gap.
Brief September 7, 2023 Fortifying India: Improving India's nutritional outcomes through double fortified salt and fortified rice This brief provides an overview of Nutrition International's fortification programs in India.
Field Stories May 25, 2023 Watch: From menstrual misconceptions to period empowerment A menstrual health management project is supporting adolescent girls to become empowered advocates of their own health and nutrition.
News May 17, 2023 Nutrition International launches implementation research studies in India to strengthen nutrition outcomes for mothers, infants and young children The projects' findings will address crucial gaps in program knowledge and service delivery to inform practical solutions for improved maternal, infant and young child nutrition in India.
May 12, 2023 From policy to practice: Inspiring stories in anaemia prevention The compendium captures best practices that have emerged from our work on anaemia prevention in four states of India with a focus on our support to Government of India’s Anemia Mukt Bharat program.
project April 19, 2023 Increasing iron and folic acid, and calcium supplementation adherence in India Nutrition International is conducting implementation research to evaluate an enhanced program model to increase adherence to iron and folic acid and calcium supplementation for pregnant women in India
project April 19, 2023 Improving quality nutrition services across the first 1,000 days in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh in India Nutrition International is implementing and evaluating a model for the improved quality of nutrition services across the first 1,000 days in two districts in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh, India.
Field Stories February 8, 2023 Peer to Peer: Student governments in India support nutrition for adolescent girls In this photo essay, learn how Nutrition International supported student councils in Madhya Pradesh to help adolescent girls take responsibility for their own health, nutrition and development.
News December 15, 2022 Government of Andhra Pradesh and Nutrition International join hands to steer universal salt iodization in state The Government of Andhra Pradesh, India and Nutrition International have signed a memorandum of understanding, toward a shared vision of achieving universal salt iodization in the state.