Field Stories January 28, 2013 Harmonizing salt iodization levels in West Africa In order to facilitate the regional trade and distribution of iodized salt, MI teamed up with UNICEF to engage the UEMOA Commission in harmonizing the salt iodization levels among its countries.
Field Stories October 26, 2012 Kick-starting flour fortification activities in the Eastern Mediterranean region A World Health Organization and Flour Fortification Initiative joint Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office Harmonization Workshop for Wheat and Flour Fortification was held in Amman, Jordan.
Field Stories June 21, 2012 South-to-South mentoring: stepping up salt iodization to improve health in Africa For three years, the Micronutrient Initiative (MI) has been facilitating the cross-sharing of program experiences between salt processors in Africa to help build and sustain salt iodization.
Field Stories October 13, 2011 Multi-level advocacy leads to huge breakthroughs in salt iodization in Ethiopia When H E Hassen Abdulkadir was posted as Ethiopian Ambassador to Senegal, he never expected to become so interested in producing and iodizing salt.
Field Stories June 15, 2011 Reducing micronutrient deficiencies by training global Food Fortification Consultants The Micronutrient Initiative and the International Agriculture Centre organized the first Food Fortification Technical Experts' Training Course in Wageningen, Netherlands in March 2002.
Field Stories February 25, 2011 Food fortification in Senegal can increase micronutrient levels For many years, MI has been working with food producers in Senegal to help them fortify their products - specifically cooking oil and wheat flour - with micronutrients.